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Second Planet of
the Mu Herculis System

Distance from Earth: 27.4 light-years

Distance from sun: 149 million miles
Diameter: 6,628 miles (0.84 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 735.09 earth days (600.01 local days)
Solar Day: 29:24 earth hours
Gravity: 0.70 g
Axil Tilt: 5°
Moons: 2 large asteroids: Aglibol & Allat
Notes: 9% surface water
.......Colonised in 4673 A.D.
.......Terraformed in the 47th to 50th Centuries.


The Moons of
~ Malakbel ~


Distance from Malakbel: 13,750 miles
Orbital Period: 13 earth hours
                      (0.44 Malak days)
Diameter: ~260 miles
Arc Diameter*: 1°0'
Gravity: 0.002 g


Distance from Malakbel: 17,190 miles
Orbital Period: 18:10 earth hours
                      (0.62 Malak days)
Diameter: ~50 miles
Arc Diameter*: 0°10'
Gravity: negligible
* “Arc Diameter” refers to the visual size of the moon as seen from the surface of it's planet.
For comparison, the Earth's Moon has an Arc Diameter of 0°30' as seen from Earth.


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