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One of the Five Planets of
Alula Australis B

(One of five suns in the Alula Australis System)

Distance from Earth: 27.3 light-years

Distance from sun: 99 million miles
Diameter: 3,843 miles (0.48 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 401.12 earth days (564.08 local days)
Solar Day: 17:04 earth hours
Gravity: 0.33 g
Axil Tilt: 18°
Moons: 4 asteroids
Notes: 15% surface water
..........Passes within a million miles of
.............Astralis once every 1,042 earth years.
.......Colonised in 5848 A.D.
.......Terraformed in the 59th to 64th Centuries.



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