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Fifth Moon of Thalattu,
Fourth Planet of the Tiamat System

(aka. the System of 55 Cancri)

Distance from Earth: 40.9 light-years

Distance from sun: 73 million miles
Distance from Thalattu: 276,875 miles
Diameter: 6,235 miles (0.79 Earth's diameter)
Diameter of Thalattu: 70,000 miles
Solar Year: 259.98 days (57.35 local days)
Solar Day: 4.53 earth days
Gravity: 0.87 g
Axil Tilt: 4°
Sister Moons: 5 major
Notes: 65% surface water
.......Colonised in 7807 A.D.
.......Terraformed in the 79th to 82nd Centuries.



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